About Plumbing Cleanout
When your drains are flooding in the toilet, the bathtub and the shower, you call a plumber to come to your house, he probably will ask you : Do you know where the cleanout is located in the house? And you will think : What is he talking about?. Well, a cleanout is located in the front side or back of the house on the main drain. The purpose of the cleanout is allow an entrance to the drainage system to snake out the main drain and remove clog problems.
Main drain stoppages can be the cause of many things, tree roots, broken pipes or just plain old rages the homeowners have a lot of beautiful landscaping surrounding their house and think, this big ugly pipe could be seen in their landscaped yard is completely unheard.

Keep in mind that if there is no cleanout the plumber would probably go to the top of the roof. When the plumber is at the top of the roof, the snake would be inserted into the vent stack. The vent stack is the opening in the drain system to let air in so the drain system will work properly. Anytime someone goes to the top of the roof there is a possibility of damaging the roof tiles or even falling off the roof. So when the plumber is there ask if it’s possible to install a cleanout in a way which is not noticeable.
The plumber would probably be able to install a cleanout by digging up sewer main cut the pipe and install the two-way cleanout with a valve box on the top. Many older houses has cast-iron pipe a lot of the newer houses have PVC. Many projects start in houses when installing a cleanout. Hardenburgh plumbing tries to inform the consumer with ideas to improve the plumbing at home.
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